Curious Minds is the national programme, run by Science Foundation of Ireland, to foster interest in science, technology engineering and maths amongst children in primary schools. Since 2010 the programme has been run in conjunction with the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) Ireland which uses space to inspire and engage young people in science and technology in the world around them.
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Web Links for Science
General Web Sites
- BP Science Resources
- Chem4kids
- Science on stage
- Primary Science Resources UK
- Science and Plants for Schools
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- IOP Marvin and Milo Cartoons
- Phet Simulations
- Practical Work in Primary Science
- Science projects
Ecology Web links
- Wild Things at School
- Derek Mooney School Watch
- Kew Gardens
- Irish Wildflowers
- Identifying Leaves
- Labelling a flower (interactive activitiy)