Ciara’s class.Narrative-Jack and The Beanstalk

Another favourite story of ours was Jack and The Beanstalk. We incorporated the topic of length into this story as we received a letter from the Giant challenging us to find things bigger/smaller than and the same size as his feet! We measured beanstalk leaves and ordered beanstalks from shortest to longest. We also constructed […]


People who Help Us-Paramedics

Junior Infants were really lucky last month to receive a visit from two paramedics,Gary and Dom. They also brought along their brand new ambulance with them and were happy to show us around it. Gary explained the role of a paramedic and we talked about reasons you may need a paramedic. Having the tour of […]


Ciara’s class-Three Little Pigs

This term we have been learning all about Narrative and one of our favourite stories was The Three Little Pigs. We had so much fun reading the story,acting it out in our role-play area and reading the True Story of The Three Little Pigs. Our Aistear theme was Construction were we had to build houses […]


Spring has sprung in Senior Infants!

We have been learning all about spring and the changes that take place at this time of year. We learned about different plants and animals. We went on a spring walk around the school. We found so many signs of spring. We also learned about the different parts of a plant and what each part […]


February / March Junior Infants – Nakita’s Class

Nakita’s Class have been working hard on narrative this month. We have been learning all about different stories and doing drama, art and reading based on the stories. Here are some stories we worked on: Jack and the Beanstalk Goldilocks Gingerbread Man The Little Red Hen For maths we focused on measuring. We went outside and […]


February / March in Senior Infants

We have had a great start to the year in Senior Infants. The Garda Station has opened for business. The classroom has had some major investigations into accidents and robberies. On Pancake Day, we had some pancakes with chocolate spread. We learned how it is celebrated throughout the world! We also had some wonderful characters […]


Ciara’s class-Aistear/Junk Art and Marshmallow Cubes

We’ve been very busy for the last few weeks in Ciara’s class. We have enjoyed exploring some of the new junk art materials we received and in teams we created houses,tanks,butterflies and flags. We’re a really creative bunch and made some great pieces. We’ve been learning about 3D shapes and we made clay sphere aliens […]


Exploring Engineering

We had great fun with Chris from ‘Maker’ who challenged us to build then move a tower of plastic cups with elastic bands. We had to work really carefully together and concentrate.  We problem solved our way through the challenge and even made bigger towers by working together with others. We also tried to build […]


Titanic Project – 6th Class

6th Class created models of the Titanic as a homework project this month. We spent time researching all about the Titanic and collated our information to present in groups to the class. We built models with the help of our families at home and came up with many different ideas and designs. It was hard […]


Peace IV Project – 6th Class

6th Class spent a fun & energetic day at the Aura, Letterkenny as part of the peace IV project. The project is an initiative implemented to encourage schools to collaborate and work together to form links & friendships.