Frida Kahlo, Lost Dogs & Lego

We have had a very creative few weeks in 5th class. We finished our robotic hands, we started making dogs (one more layer to go!) and we created some self-portraits based on the artwork of the wonderful Frida Kahlo.

We are really enjoying our class novel and sometimes it’s really hard to put the book down. Rose is such an interesting character and reading about her relationship with Rain is giving us such insight into how Rose thinks. IMG_0007
We are making dogs inspired
by Rain. Each child has designed his or her own dog and each of the dogs has their own unique personality, name and look!

The dogs have been made out of recycled materials and although they were tricky to put together we think they will be worth it when they are finally finished. It was very messy adding the first layer to the dogs and most of us were peeling glue from our hands for quite a while afterwards! The dogs are all incredibly different and we cannot wait to see their personalities evolve as they are painted. It’s a long process but the work wIMG_0725e have been doing in our Genius Journals this year has helped us with the design, editing and creative process.

We have been writing lots of stories lately as our writing focus at the moment is Narrative Writing. We have been using Rory’s Story Cubes to give us some inspiration and we have been concentrating on developing strong story plans to enable us to write well thought out stories. This month we are also going to build our stories using LEGO Story Starters and we are going to try to make some stop motion videos to bring our stories to life! We will share our videos on Twitter and on our class blog when we are finished. The build and videos will take a lot of time and effort but we are more than up for the challenge. Watch this space! IMG_0014

Ed Sheeran is going to feature heavily in our music lessons this month and we are going to do something special using one of his songs for inspiration! We will be using Garage Band, percussion instruments, our wonderful voices, our amazing dance moves and lots of energy and technology… it’s just a little project!!! Wish us luck!

Follow our class on Twitter @RangMaggieletns to find out what we get up to every day!